Formal Education
- Bachelor of Science: Forensic Science
- Minor: Chemistry
- University of Central Florida
- Orlando, Florida
- August 1980
- American Board of Forensic Document Examiners
Qualified as an Expert Witness
- Federal Criminal & Civil Court
- State Criminal & Civil Court throughout the Southeast
Employment Experience
- Present: Forensic Document and Handwriting Examiner in Private Practice.
- June 1998 to October 2005: Senior Questioned Documents and Handwriting Examiner, Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences, Birmingham, Alabama.
- June 1996 to June 1998: Questioned Document Examiner Trainee, Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences, Montgomery, Alabama.
- March 1985 TO June 1996: Trace Evidence Examiner, Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences, Birmingham, Alabama.
- September 1980 TO March 1985: Micro analyst, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Sanford, Florida.
Curriculum Vitae
Steven G. Drexler
Questioned Document Examiner
3590-B Highway 31 South, Suite 318
Pelham, AL 35124
Formal Education
Bachelor of Science: Forensic Science
Minor: Chemistry
University of Central Florida
Orlando, Florida
August 1980
- American Board of Forensic Document Examiners
Qualified as an Expert Witness
- Federal Criminal & Civil Court
- State Criminal & Civil Court throughout the Southeast
Employment Experience
- October 2005 to Present: Forensic Document and Handwriting Examiner in Private Practice.
- June 1998 to October 2005: Senior Questioned Document and Handwriting Examiner, Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences, Birmingham, Alabama.
- June 1996 to June 1998: Questioned Document Examiner Trainee, Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences, Montgomery, Alabama.
- March 1985 to June 1996: Trace Evidence Examiner, Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences, Birmingham, Alabama.
- September 1980 to March 1985: Microanalyst, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Sanford, Florida.
- March 1980 to August 1980: Student Intern, Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences, Toxicology and Drug Identification Section, Auburn, Alabama.
The following information reflects specialized training and education in the field, in addition to continuing involvement in professional organizations:
Specialized Courses and Professional Training
- Questioned Documents Apprenticeship: Concentrated two (2) year training in the field of Questioned Document Examination. Training conducted under the direction of Dr. Richard A. Roper, Montgomery AL.
- Forensic Photography: FBI seminar conducted at the Aril ’97 Spring conference of the Southern Association of Forensic Scientists.
- Examining Documents Throughout the Spectrum: One (1) day workshop presented at the April ’97 Spring Conference of the Southeastern Association of Forensic Document Examiners.
- Examination of Medical Records: Three (3) day advanced study course presented by the Hart Questioned Documents Laboratory, Miami, FL may ’97.
- Computer Imaging for Questioned documents: Workshop conducted by A. Frank Hicks, Q.D. Examiner Jackson, MS May ’97
- Electronic Media and Printing Technologies: Four (4) day workshop conducted by the Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientist Lansing, MI May ’97.
- Difficult Handwriting Problems: One (1) day workshop conducted by ASQDE in conjenction with Dr. Moshe Kam, Drexel University, reviewing handwriting comparison problems and difficult cases, August ’97
- Advanced Handwriting Identification: Graduate course offered by the University of New Haven, Attended at the ’98 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, San Francisco, CA.
- Fundamentals of Document Examinations: Two (2) week course offered by the FBI on all aspects of Questioned Document Examination, June ’98.
- Rubber Stamp Workshop: One (1) day workshop presented at the April ’99 meeting of the Southeastern Association of Forensic Document Examiners.
- Typography Workshop: One (1) day workshop presented at the April ’00 meeting of the Southeastern Association of Forensic Document Examiners.
- Cannon Photocopier, Facsimile, and Microfilm Training Workshop: Two (2) day workshop in conjunction with the American Board O Forensic Document Examiners, Oct ‘02.
- Production of Genuine Security Documents and the Detection of Counterfeit Documents: One (1) day workshop in conjunction with the Southeastern Association of Forensic Document Examiners, April ’03
- Mead Paper Knowledge: One (1) day workshop in conjunction with the Southeastern Association of Forensic Document Examiners, April ’03
Professional Activities
- Member, Southeastern Association of Forensic Document Examiners.
- Diplomate, American Board of Forensic Document Examiners
- Member, American Society of Questioned Document Examiners
- Member, Questioned Document Section of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
- A Guide for Submitting Questioned Documents and Handwriting Evidence, American Journal of Trial Advocacy, Vol. 26:1, Summer 2002.
- Ink Differentiation for the Fiscally Challenged, Journal of the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners, Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2002 (Co-Author).
- Frequency of Pubic Hair Transfer During Sexual Intercourse, Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 43, No. 3, May 1998 (Co-author).
- Test Impressions of Footwear Outsoles Using Biofoamâ, Journal of Forensic Identification, Vol. 44, No. 1, Jan/Feb 1994.
- Do People Always Disguise Their Writing the Same? The Trilogy, Journal of the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners, Vol. 17, No. 1, June 2014 (Co-Author).